It can be tough to find a place to go for your daily run when the weather gets ugly. Fortunately, you have a few alternatives available to you if you’re willing to get creative. Treadmills are an obvious choice for dedicated runners, as they require little space and make it easy to track your progress as you sweat. If that’s not an option, try clearing out an area large enough to allow you to run in place, or map out a longer route through the interior of your home for a less monotonous workout.
Take advantage of the benefits a treadmill can offer. With a treadmill, all you have to do is step on, press a few buttons, and get moving. They take up very little space, and, best of all, they’ll even keep tabs on your time, pace, overall distance, and physical stats like your heart rate throughout your workout. For many people, a treadmill is the most practical way to get a run in when space is at a premium.[1]
- A treadmill can be a worthwhile investment if weather conditions or a lack of suitable outdoor spots in your area give you no choice but to run inside often.
- Many apartment complexes and condominiums make treadmills available to residents in their on-site fitness rooms, which can be helpful if you don’t have a gym membership.